Flash News:Province Orientale: 23 children died of malaria in the space of a month at Weko. Health Centre of this town, which has a dozen beds, has no means to properly care for many patients. ***VDAY confirmed for February 14 Bukavu as a base for the International Campaign One Billion Rising *** gynecologist Dr. Denis Mukwege returned to Bukavu ***
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Friday, January 25, 2013

Why I have to rise on February 14, 2013

Nadine Sayiba
Lawyer and activist of human rights.

"I have to rise on feb 14 up the following conditions under which victims of sexual violence live.
We signed texts that give the International Criminal Court warrant and the right to intervene in the DRC. And yet it has a fund for compensation or better reparation for victims of sexual violence in the DRC but they do not benefit. The irony is that when there is a judgment there are no more often the perpetrators have no means to compensate the victim. "


Dr. Nene
Panzi Hospital
"I must rise on feb 14 after all those who still say that it is women who want to be raped.
it is a vice and as long as there are these kinds of fantasies I will rise."


Anne Cirume
Activist Human Rights
"I must rise on feb 14 due to poor living conditions of military vulnerabilities in South Kivu. Majority of these families, especially military and police officers no longer live enmity. Their children never go to the school.
Just for all that I have to rise!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

VDAY confirmed for February 14 Bukavu as a base for the International Campaign One Billion Rising

"A billion abused women in the world is an atrocity" a slogan that has been fixed since the beginning of the campaign "One Billion Rising" movement VDAY. VDay movement is convinced that on February 14 this year, at least one million men and women will be present at this event. Evidence on different types of violence experienced by women will be given by the participants and volunteers eager to say NO to violence. On 23 January, the VDay movement recently held a conference to debate the city of joy to Panzi. Participants exchanged on why say NO to violence in many place of women. One billion Rising campaign started months ago in several countries of the world. Men and women who fight for women's dignity protest against this evil that eats the entire society. February 14 is the deadline. Stage of Kamagema panzi in Bukavu will drop point where one billion people are expected. As a prelude to the 14th February, the men and women present at the conference on 23 January were expressed and explained why they too will revolt. Some were comfortable giving their testimonies about different types of violence experienced by women and the other could not restrain their anger. A report published by the United Nations says one in three women will be abused in the world.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


February 14, 2013, Grever, and Dancing in revolt; 3 main activities that are scheduled for this day to mark the fall of the campaign "One Billion Rising". This is an assurance that more than one billion women and men will rise up throughout the world to say "Enough is Too" that violence against women and girls quit.

One month prior to this campaign, movement VDAY just held a press conference Tuesday, January 15. drop point of the campaign will take place on February 14. The theme: "Ending violence against women and girls"

Christine Schuler Descryver describes the current situation of violations of women worldwide.

For VDAY, 1 in 3 women will be abused in her lifetime on this planet. By refusing to be observant of this scourge and this dehumanizing crime, VDAY lance through the "One Billion Rising" call for mobilization, solidarity and unity power to show the world the collective strength and unity. February 14, VDAY hope that a million men and women will observe one-day strike by abandoning their ordinary activities to express their ras-le-bol violence against women.

They will denounce the injustices committed against them to revolutionize attitudes.

And dance for a total success and the day of the fight, share cultures

VDAY wants everyone agrees to actively participate in this event must shake the world to a new consciousness.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The return to Bukavu Dr. Denis Mukwege and his family is planned for this Monday, January 14,

Renowned for its support to many women raped in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, the doctor had escaped an assassination attempt on Oct. 25 at his home in Bukavu, capital of the province of South Kivu.
After a few days of exile in Sweden, the doctor went to Belgium, where he currently resides.
"The return to Bukavu Dr. Denis Mukwege and his family is planned for this Monday, January 14," said a statement from the Panzi Hospital, founded by Dr. Mukwege.
"This is the doctor who made ​​the decision to learn that he received more messages: there are many requests for sick women who demand his return," said the Communication Officer Panzi Hospital.
Each year, the program against sexual violence, the largest hospital receives 3,000 women. 
Dr. Mukwege activities earned him including the price of the UN human rights.
The investigation is ongoing to identify the perpetrators of the attack perpetrated by unidentified gunmen.


My photo
L’Association des Femmes des Médias du Sud Kivu (AFEM-SK) est une organisation à but non lucratif (OBNL) créée en vertu de la loi congolaise du 10 Août 2003. Les membres d’AFEM-SK sont composés de femmes actives dans les médias du Sud-Kivu et les maisons de presse. AFEM-SK est spécialisée dans la production des émissions radio en milieu rurale comme en milieu urbain avec un accent particulier sur les femmes soit à partir de radio-clubs ou dans la position de l'activiste social local. Ce groupe produit également des reportages sur le terrain et envoie des nouvelles à des stations de radio locales. Cette association entretient avec les organisations de presse d'autres partenariats qui facilitent la circulation de magazines et leur diffusion.


AFEM / SK performs or has performed the following projects with various partners:

- "Reports of sexual violence in the territories of Walungu, Kabare and Uvira" with the support of ISIS WICCE

- Mobilization of rural women and strengthening their capacity for qualitative and quantitative participation in the elections of 2011 and the balance of gender relations in different sectors of community life. With the support of Diakonia

- "Institutional support and media coverage of the activities of V-DAY"

- "Training and professionalism of women journalists" with the support of NED "National Endowment for Democracy" from March 2010 to February 2011.

- "Mobilization of rural women and strengthening their capacity for qualitative and quantitative participation in the elections of 2011 and the balance of gender relations in different sectors of the community. "With the support of Diakonia

- "Reports on gender, good governance and sexual violence in the territories of Kalehe, Uvira and Walungu" with financial support from NCA (Norwegian Church Aid) from May to October 2008.

- "Participation of Women and professionalism of women journalists" with financial support from DIAKONIA. From July 2009 to June 2011

- "Awareness campaign on the fight against sexual violence in the media" with the support of CORDAID.

- "Education for rural women's rights and good governance" with the support of the Swedish organization Diakonia. March 2008 to March 2009 (possible extension until 2010)

- "Reports on gender, good governance and sexual violence in the territories of Kalehe, Uvira and Walungu" with financial support from NCA (Norwegian Church Aid) from May to October 2008.

- "Reports of sexual violence in the territories of Walungu, Kabare and Uvira" with the support of ISIS WICCE, 2008

- Campaign "Challenging the silence: the media against sexual violence" from March 2006 to date with the support of LOLA MORA (radio shows, workshops, advocacy before the International Criminal Court in The Hague)

- "Producing radio within 16 days of activism to fight against sexual violence" with the support of the organization TROCAIRE in December 2007.

- "Awareness of rural women on issues of local elections in the DRC", with the support of the PPI in July 2007

- "Exchange of experience of women in the media in Rwanda and DR Congo" with the support of LOLA MORA organization, 2007.

- "Awareness of rural women in the democratization process in RD.Congo" with the support of the PPI in July 2006 to June 2007
- Institutional support by the Institut Panos Paris from 2006 to 2007

In addition, AFEM / SK offers its services since 2008 for media companies and NGOs (eg in October 2008, covering 80 years of FOMULAC Katana)