Flash News:Province Orientale: 23 children died of malaria in the space of a month at Weko. Health Centre of this town, which has a dozen beds, has no means to properly care for many patients. ***VDAY confirmed for February 14 Bukavu as a base for the International Campaign One Billion Rising *** gynecologist Dr. Denis Mukwege returned to Bukavu ***
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Saturday, March 31, 2012

North Kivu: Threats against Ms. Justine Masika Bihamba

"Justine Masika stops you meddle with what does not concern you (HATUTAKU IYI TOUR tuku RATE TUNAYUWA UKO GOMA Yote ITAFIKA)," was the message has received anonymous threats of Ms. Justine Masika, March 27, 2012, at 18:32, on his phone. This message comes after a meeting held in Goma hotdee by some colonels of the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) close to General Bosco Ntaganda. Ms Justine Masika be prosecuted after an interview she gave to the BBC in which she welcomed the verdict that had just passed the same day the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Thomas Lubanga Dyilo .The Observatory for the Protection of Human rights, a joint program of the World Organisation against Torture (OMCT) and the International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH) calls on an emergency threats to Ms Justine Masika Bihamba.
The Observatory has been informed by reliable sources of threats against Ms Masika Bihamba, coordinator of the Synergy for Women Victims of Sexual Violence (SFVS) and Vice President of Civil Society in North Kivu.

According to reports, 14 March 2012, Ms Masika Bihamba gave an interview to BBC radio in which she welcomed the verdict that had just passed the same day the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, convicted of war crimes recruitment, enlistment and use of child soldiers in Ituri, and called on the ICC and the Congolese government to implement the arrest warrants are pending against the other authors suspected of serious crimes committed in eastern DRC, in particular General Bosco Ntaganda.
Following this interview, General and some colonels of the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) would close the General held a meeting at a hotel in Goma to discuss the declaration of Ms. Justine Masika calling the ICC and the Government Congolese arrest General Bosco Ntaganda, and plan "actions" to silence it.
Ms Justine Masika intends to file a complaint.
The Association of Women in Media has joined the Observatory expresses its deepest concern over the threats against the safety and physical integrity of Ms Justine Masika, who are part of a broader context intimidation and repression against all defenders of human rights in DRC, and reminds the Congolese authorities that under international standards, it is their responsibility to guarantee in all circumstances the physical and psychological integrity.
Actions requested by the observatory:
i. Guarantee in all circumstances the physical and psychological integrity of Ms. Justine Masika and all defenders of human rights in DRC;
ii. Conduct prompt a thorough, impartial, independent, effective, rigorous and transparent about the threats mentioned above, to identify those responsible, bring them before an independent, competent and impartial in accordance with international and regional instruments protection of human rights, and apply penal, civil and / or administrative sanctions as provided by law;
iii. Ensure for an end to all forms of threats and harassment against Ms Masika and all defenders of human rights in DRC;
iv. Comply with the provisions of the Declaration on human rights adopted by the UN General Assembly December 9, 1998, and in particular:- In Article 1 which states that "everyone has the right, individually and in association with others, to promote the protection and realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms at the national and international levels",- And Article 12.2, which states that "the State shall take all necessary measures to ensure that the competent authorities of everyone, individually and in association with others, against any violence, threats, retaliation, de facto or de jure, pressure or any other arbitrary action as part of the legitimate exercise of rights contained in the present Declaration ";
v. More generally, comply with the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and regional and international instruments concerning human rights ratified by the DRC.
The Observatory, OMCT and FIDH, aims to protect human rights victims of violations and assist them as concrete as possible.

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L’Association des Femmes des Médias du Sud Kivu (AFEM-SK) est une organisation à but non lucratif (OBNL) créée en vertu de la loi congolaise du 10 Août 2003. Les membres d’AFEM-SK sont composés de femmes actives dans les médias du Sud-Kivu et les maisons de presse. AFEM-SK est spécialisée dans la production des émissions radio en milieu rurale comme en milieu urbain avec un accent particulier sur les femmes soit à partir de radio-clubs ou dans la position de l'activiste social local. Ce groupe produit également des reportages sur le terrain et envoie des nouvelles à des stations de radio locales. Cette association entretient avec les organisations de presse d'autres partenariats qui facilitent la circulation de magazines et leur diffusion.


AFEM / SK performs or has performed the following projects with various partners:

- "Reports of sexual violence in the territories of Walungu, Kabare and Uvira" with the support of ISIS WICCE

- Mobilization of rural women and strengthening their capacity for qualitative and quantitative participation in the elections of 2011 and the balance of gender relations in different sectors of community life. With the support of Diakonia

- "Institutional support and media coverage of the activities of V-DAY"

- "Training and professionalism of women journalists" with the support of NED "National Endowment for Democracy" from March 2010 to February 2011.

- "Mobilization of rural women and strengthening their capacity for qualitative and quantitative participation in the elections of 2011 and the balance of gender relations in different sectors of the community. "With the support of Diakonia

- "Reports on gender, good governance and sexual violence in the territories of Kalehe, Uvira and Walungu" with financial support from NCA (Norwegian Church Aid) from May to October 2008.

- "Participation of Women and professionalism of women journalists" with financial support from DIAKONIA. From July 2009 to June 2011

- "Awareness campaign on the fight against sexual violence in the media" with the support of CORDAID.

- "Education for rural women's rights and good governance" with the support of the Swedish organization Diakonia. March 2008 to March 2009 (possible extension until 2010)

- "Reports on gender, good governance and sexual violence in the territories of Kalehe, Uvira and Walungu" with financial support from NCA (Norwegian Church Aid) from May to October 2008.

- "Reports of sexual violence in the territories of Walungu, Kabare and Uvira" with the support of ISIS WICCE, 2008

- Campaign "Challenging the silence: the media against sexual violence" from March 2006 to date with the support of LOLA MORA (radio shows, workshops, advocacy before the International Criminal Court in The Hague)

- "Producing radio within 16 days of activism to fight against sexual violence" with the support of the organization TROCAIRE in December 2007.

- "Awareness of rural women on issues of local elections in the DRC", with the support of the PPI in July 2007

- "Exchange of experience of women in the media in Rwanda and DR Congo" with the support of LOLA MORA organization, 2007.

- "Awareness of rural women in the democratization process in RD.Congo" with the support of the PPI in July 2006 to June 2007
- Institutional support by the Institut Panos Paris from 2006 to 2007

In addition, AFEM / SK offers its services since 2008 for media companies and NGOs (eg in October 2008, covering 80 years of FOMULAC Katana)