Flash News:Province Orientale: 23 children died of malaria in the space of a month at Weko. Health Centre of this town, which has a dozen beds, has no means to properly care for many patients. ***VDAY confirmed for February 14 Bukavu as a base for the International Campaign One Billion Rising *** gynecologist Dr. Denis Mukwege returned to Bukavu ***
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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Bukavu: Women oppressed by domestic violence

Domestic violence is growing in the city of Bukavu to such an extent that it becomes a scourge that eats away at households. This violation of rights of women is no shortage of negative consequences of marital harmony.
"It is now three months since I lead a hellish life in my home. My husband always wants to behave like a despot and can not stand that I claim any of my rights. Because one night I had called for the satisfaction of my sexual desire, he treats me now bitch and unsatisfied.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Jolly KAMUNTU  is now the new Director of Community Radio Maendeleo of Bukavu.

The President of the Board of Directors of the Association of Women's Media AFEM SK Jolly Kamuntu NTABUNGE was promoted to director of Radio Maendeleo Bukavu since Thursday, September 22.
It replaces in this position Mushizi NFUNDIKO Kizito, who had spent 18 years in this position.

Friday, September 23, 2011


A delegation of Jewish World Watch partner AFEM visited its offices. This visit comes within the framework of partnership with JJW and AFEM. Visitors come all from U.S. A, many of them in California at the headquarters of Jewish World Watch. They was come to see the progress of the funded activity which focused on the organization of training of women journalists of the 8 rural areas of South Kivu.

Friday, September 16, 2011

after the fire, AFEM give a donation to the TRNC Bukavu

After a fire had broken out on the night of 2 to 3 October 2011 in the chambers of the post-office in Bukavu, in which radio and TV studios, computers and all the property values ​​of  RTNC were not spared, the Association of Media women of South Kivu AFEM comes to rescue of the institution of public utility.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

AFEM awareness on gender based violence in rural areas

he AFEM-SK journalists makes outputs on various rural areas of the province of South Kivu; these environments are: Mugogo, Walungu center, Ihusi, City of Uvira and Kabare center.
These meetings are carried out in order to meet with community stakeholders including women. The meetings focus on the fight against gender-based violence for the greater participation of women in the elections of November 2011.
Spots to raise awareness of the elections are already designed and finished. Thy are produced in local languages and will be broadcast on radio partners AFEM.
The objective is to raise awareness of women as the majority of voters (52% against 50% men) and actress for positive change because of their natural mission of mother and educator.
The producing AFEM took the opportunity to interact with rural women on the responsibility of the latter in errors and failures consumed by women during the 2006 elections. They discussed the strategies to implement for their greater participation and responsibility of women voting in the upcoming elections.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Eastern Congo Initiative

Durée du projet
Juillet 2011-juin 2012

Friday, September 9, 2011

Rural Women in South Kivu determined to participate in upcoming elections

lthough women have problems about  their  rights in society and particularly in their households with their husbands, rural women say they are determined to participate and support other women at the next election.
Testimony collected by AFEM South Kivu in different territories of that province.
Rural women in four areas are targeted for a first stage, including Kabare, Walungu, Kalehe and Uvira.
Although many husbands still forbid their wives to work or be a candidate although intellectual, some of them are participating in meetings held in their villages.

Those of Kabare and Walungu did not miss a word; Adelaide KUSINZA  and Micheline KAMATE give their views: "in 2006 women were not aware of their involvement in elections, I personally think that we missed love and unity. But in 2011 I see that many women are involved. Also, many did not know the importance of voting; for now, many have the experience of past elections and may go with conscience because they still hope to change. "
KAMATE Micheline: "Several women had makes mistakes in the elections because it was a first exercise. Because it was for most the first time to participate in free and democratic elections. We encourage all women who feel able to work for the country to submit their nominations and we will be there to support them. "
Many words of encouragement to other women come from many parts of South Kivu; where even those sensitive AFEM has decided to conduct its activities by involving rural women.

This activity is within the scope of its objectives of promoting rural women.
One thing is clear, many of rural women still need to be sensitized and trained on the upcoming elections.

Monday, September 5, 2011

DRC electoral process, what about the participation of women in South Kivu

 months before the elections in November this year in DRC, different services AFEM South Kivu intensified activities.
The programming of broadcasting radio, magazines on the opinions, positions and views of women of South Kivu review.
These magazines focus on the views of women and organisation of elections.
Tha picture at the left is a planning meeting report on plans for the elections organisation, before, during and after that.
At this point several questions are:
-          What is the role of women in the next elections?
-          Is she motivated to face the uncoming elections?
-          The involvement of young women in politics
-          Perspective of politicians and elections of November 2011
-          Prevention of post-election conflict
-          Political parties and women’s participation in elections,…

Préparations are underway for the emission of gender, educational spot, newsletters can help the awakening of Congolese women in general and South Kivu in particular awareness.
The association of Media Women in South Kivu is committed to support the electoral process in DRC in november next for the promotion of urban and rural women.


My photo
L’Association des Femmes des Médias du Sud Kivu (AFEM-SK) est une organisation à but non lucratif (OBNL) créée en vertu de la loi congolaise du 10 Août 2003. Les membres d’AFEM-SK sont composés de femmes actives dans les médias du Sud-Kivu et les maisons de presse. AFEM-SK est spécialisée dans la production des émissions radio en milieu rurale comme en milieu urbain avec un accent particulier sur les femmes soit à partir de radio-clubs ou dans la position de l'activiste social local. Ce groupe produit également des reportages sur le terrain et envoie des nouvelles à des stations de radio locales. Cette association entretient avec les organisations de presse d'autres partenariats qui facilitent la circulation de magazines et leur diffusion.


AFEM / SK performs or has performed the following projects with various partners:

- "Reports of sexual violence in the territories of Walungu, Kabare and Uvira" with the support of ISIS WICCE

- Mobilization of rural women and strengthening their capacity for qualitative and quantitative participation in the elections of 2011 and the balance of gender relations in different sectors of community life. With the support of Diakonia

- "Institutional support and media coverage of the activities of V-DAY"

- "Training and professionalism of women journalists" with the support of NED "National Endowment for Democracy" from March 2010 to February 2011.

- "Mobilization of rural women and strengthening their capacity for qualitative and quantitative participation in the elections of 2011 and the balance of gender relations in different sectors of the community. "With the support of Diakonia

- "Reports on gender, good governance and sexual violence in the territories of Kalehe, Uvira and Walungu" with financial support from NCA (Norwegian Church Aid) from May to October 2008.

- "Participation of Women and professionalism of women journalists" with financial support from DIAKONIA. From July 2009 to June 2011

- "Awareness campaign on the fight against sexual violence in the media" with the support of CORDAID.

- "Education for rural women's rights and good governance" with the support of the Swedish organization Diakonia. March 2008 to March 2009 (possible extension until 2010)

- "Reports on gender, good governance and sexual violence in the territories of Kalehe, Uvira and Walungu" with financial support from NCA (Norwegian Church Aid) from May to October 2008.

- "Reports of sexual violence in the territories of Walungu, Kabare and Uvira" with the support of ISIS WICCE, 2008

- Campaign "Challenging the silence: the media against sexual violence" from March 2006 to date with the support of LOLA MORA (radio shows, workshops, advocacy before the International Criminal Court in The Hague)

- "Producing radio within 16 days of activism to fight against sexual violence" with the support of the organization TROCAIRE in December 2007.

- "Awareness of rural women on issues of local elections in the DRC", with the support of the PPI in July 2007

- "Exchange of experience of women in the media in Rwanda and DR Congo" with the support of LOLA MORA organization, 2007.

- "Awareness of rural women in the democratization process in RD.Congo" with the support of the PPI in July 2006 to June 2007
- Institutional support by the Institut Panos Paris from 2006 to 2007

In addition, AFEM / SK offers its services since 2008 for media companies and NGOs (eg in October 2008, covering 80 years of FOMULAC Katana)